It must have on page SEO optimization

All webpages to be published on your website must always be optimized for search engines. They must entail homepage, category pages, single pages and landing pages. For having your webpages optimized, you need to work on your page titles as it is the most essential SEO factor to work on. When the title is optimized, it helps search engines as well as users understand the purpose of the page and converts to more clicks and higher ranking. Additionally, you need to work on your headings as well. A great visual design comes with many virtual sections. This comes in handy for long pages loaded with loads of info. Every section must bear an optimized heading. In this way, the search crawlers and users can read the page easily. Hence every page should have an H1 tag, a few H2 tags for heading sections and H3 tags for subsections. Looking for SEO services? Click here to Contact MediaOne now!

Social media promotion

Google has not stated which social media platform drives the highest response, but social media promotion is hands down the best way to promote a website. When paying heed to Google webmaster guidelines, you will find that social media mentions are a great way to promote a website. Keep in mind that it also helps in increasing the user engagement with the content, make the webmasters aware about your content, promote brand awareness and gain more natural links.