Participants, a website and a passion for soccer. Those are the basic ingredients for a successful fantasy soccer game, but they are nowhere without the final ingredient: good data. After all it’s not comprehensible to keep up with all the statistics yourself. The best fantasy leagues rely on real-life stats so results get updated as soon as possible. In order to provide the most fun for the players the featured data in your fantasy game must be reliable and accurate.
And getting the data on your website or app isn’t that hard. You just have to find and use the right Soccer API. You can have tailor made APIs for certain leagues, so you’ll only get the information that’s relevant for your fantasy game. These APIs provide all the match, player and season data you need. The best thing is, this saves you some valuable time too! All the work has been done for you. The time saved can be used to pick the perfect fantasy team, for finding fitting prizes for the winners or just to have some banter with the friends you’re playing the game with.
The right fit
As it is with lots of things online, there’s a wide range of different parties all telling you they are the best. Unfortunately you can’t try them all (or at least, we won’t advise you to). Just make sure you’ll only look for the data you actually need, preferably you’ll pick an API that’s specifically created for the league you want to play the fantasy game for. So if you’re playing a fantasy premier league game, look for a Premier League API. And which data do you need; livescores, goal scorers, league standings, schedules?
Also, plan ahead. If you’re planning to add other leagues to the fantasy soccer game, it might be wise to go for a platform that already covers most of the global leagues. This way you don’t risk having to change providers as soon as you’re looking to add new leagues.
A trusted API
All in all, it is clear you’ll need a good and trusted API to create the ultimate experience for your fantasy soccer league. To find out more about Soccer or Sports APIs you can check out the website of providers like Sportmonks to see what the exact possibilities are and how you can add them to your website. APIs can also be used for other purposes like predictions, news updates or predictions for betting.
The only thing left now is to find the aforementioned participants and passion for soccer (and a little bit of knowledge and luck aren’t bad either). Are you ready to win this season’s fantasy soccer league? Have fun!